Early Work 2005-2007

"Untitled (Horse)" 2005.

Found Images, manipulated and layered in Adobe Photoshop.

"Critters" 2005

Wire, various fabrics and found materials.

Various sizes - approx 10cm x 7cm

This project was inspired by a derelict site, where the colour graffiti covers every wall. I created 26 small "critters", who appeared to have been born from the graffiti and now enhabit the site.

"The Perfect Body" 2006.

Latex Body Casts, String, Metal hooks, Wood.

250cm x 150cm (at widest part)

Our world is obsessed with the way we look. Ask anyone, they will tell you they have parts of their body they like, and parts they don't. My aim with this piece was to find enough people who liked enough parts of their body to create a whole figure from the latex casts I took. I suspended the figure as a puppet to comment on the way in which people are so often led by the media and feel they have to look a certain way.

 "Boot" 2006.

Pencil on A2 paper.

"Ceiling" 2006.

Oil on Canvas.

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